2 min read
Oklahoma Activists Plan Cannabis Ballot Measures for 2022
A delegation of cannabis activists took charge of the situation and decided to develop two independent ballot measures that would help address the two most challenging problems faced by Oklahoma cannabis users. The delegation featured Lawrence Pasternak as their senior drafter who foresaw the white papers.
There are two big dilemmas when it comes to cannabis rulings in not only Oklahoma but in the entire United States. Firstly, lawmakers have devised extremely stringent regulations regarding medical cannabis that make the lives of patients miserable. As a result, people are unable to use the herb to its full potential, and as a result, they are unable to manage their pain, anxiety, and other symptoms.
The Issues
On the other hand, the state has not yet legalized cannabis for adults over 21. It may come as a surprise, but a vast majority of states have not yet made marijuana legal. Considering the fact that ample research is being done on the herb daily, cannabis enthusiasts are disappointed that the authorities are still not legalizing the herb. Hundreds of studies have been published stating the positive effects of the herb, from helping manage chronic pain to reducing the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.
Oklahoma Cannabis Activists
Furthermore, the two measures, although independent, seek to work in total harmony to make the lives of Oklahoma cannabis users more manageable. The medical cannabis ballot measure is targeted to revoke all harsh rulings of current state law. In addition to overhauling the pre existing regulations, this ballot measure also seeks to establish novel funding programs along with commands to regulate high-THC marijuana properly.
Likewise, the adult marijuana legalization measure serves to provide Oklahoma locals with the right to grow up to twelve cannabis plants domestically. On top of that, people would also have the liberty to purchase marijuana from authorized dispensaries and consume it publicly.
If the measures are passed in 2022, they would also modify the tax laws revolving around the subject. In essence, the taxes on medical marijuana would be reduced from seven percent to zero, and the taxes on non-medical cannabis would be increased to fifteen percent. Lawmakers say that this would ensure that people who really need the herb shall get it even if they cannot afford it.