IndicaPay: Cashless Transactions for Your Dispensary

Let your customers pay with debit cards, reduce cash headaches, and process sales faster with IndicaPay DC terminals.

Accept Card Payments Through IndicaPay

Using IndicaPay means a faster and more convenient checkout for your customers, increased average cart size, reduced theft risks, and less inconvenient cash-handling for your dispensary.

Let’s Talk Numbers

Dispensaries using IndicaPay have seen:

Up to
increase in cart size
Process sales up to

Unlock Revenue Growth

People spend more when they pay with cards instead of cash. Upselling opportunities created by IndicaPay have increased our users’ cart sizes by up to 30%.

Quicker Checkouts

IndicaPay reduces the hassle of counting cash and change, making your checkouts 20% faster. This results in less wait time and more convenience for your customers.

Enhanced Safety

Less cash means less theft vulnerability. Using IndicaPay also reduces the chance of human error while managing cash, plus you feel at ease knowing that your transactions are trustworthy and safe.

Boosted Tips, Happier Staff

IndicaPay makes it easy for customers to leave tips for your budtenders. A simple tweak that means extra motivation for your staff.

Meet IndicaPay DC Terminal

Cashless ATM

  • Accept debit card payments
  • Receive money the same day
  • Get more tips for your budtenders
  • Enjoy no transaction fees for dispensaries
  • Order terminals for free



Ready to Upgrade Your Payment Solutions?

Resources for ID verification

Resources for Payments