6 min read
The 20 Best Weed Games You Can Play When High
Weed games are a great way to pass the time and have some fun with friends while enjoying your favorite herb. Whether you’re looking for a classic card game or a more interactive smoke session, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the best weed games to play:
Smoke Burn a Hole
This is a simple game that involves passing a joint or a bowl around in a circle. Each person takes a hit, and then the person to their left goes next. The goal is to see who can hold out the longest without coughing or “burning a hole” in the joint.
Ash Bomber
This is a fun twist on the traditional game of beer pong. Instead of using cups and a ping pong ball, you’ll need a bong and some ash. Players take turns trying to “ash bomb” the bong by flicking ash from their joint into the bowl. If the ash lands in the bowl, the other team has to take a hit.
Strip Choker
This is a classic card game that gets more and more interesting as the night goes on. Players take turns drawing cards and performing the corresponding action. For example, if you draw a “two,” you must take two hits. If you draw a “six,” you must give another player six hits. The person who draws the last card has to take all the hits left in the deck.
Bong Pong
This is another classic weed game. Set up a table with cups arranged in a triangle, and then take turns trying to bounce a ping pong ball into the cups. Each time a ball lands in a cup, the other team has to take a hit.
Song Jammin’
This is a fun weed game that’s all about getting into the groove. Players take turns choosing a song to play, and everyone has to smoke a hit every time a certain word or phrase is sung. You can choose any word or phrase you want, but some popular choices include “weed,” “smoke,” and “bong.”
Letter of the Previous
This is a fun weed game perfect for a group of weed enthusiasts. Players take turns saying a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first player says “bong,” the next player might say “gummy bears.” The game continues until someone can’t think of a word or says a word that’s already been used.
Beer Pong
This classic drinking game is just as fun with weed as with alcohol. Set up a table with cups arranged in a triangle, and then take turns trying to bounce a ping pong ball into the cups. Each time a ball lands in a cup, the other team has to take a hit.
420 Tic Tac Toe
This is a fun twist on the classic game of tic tac toe. Players take turns drawing Xs and Os on a grid, trying to get three in a row. The catch is that each player has to take a hit every time they make a move. The first person to get three in a row wins.
Stoned Musical Chairs
This is a fun twist on the classic game of musical chairs. Players sit in a circle and pass a joint around while playing music. When the music stops, the person holding the joint must take a hit and get up and find a new seat. The last person to find a seat has to take another hit.
Bob Marley
This is a fun weed game perfect for a group of Bob Marley fans. Players take turns choosing a Bob Marley song to play, and everyone has to take a hit every time a certain word or phrase is sung. You can choose any word or phrase you want, but some popular choices include “weed,” “smoke,” and “ganja.”
Stoner Trivia
This is a fun game that tests your knowledge of all things weed-related. Players take turns asking trivia questions about marijuana history, culture, and science, and then everyone has to try to guess the correct answer. The person who gets the most questions right gets to choose the next round of questions.
Straight Face
This is a classic card game that’s perfect for a weed session. Players take turns drawing a card and trying to keep a straight face while performing the corresponding action. For example, if you draw a “two,” you must take two hits. If you draw a “six,” you have to give six hits to another player. The person who cracks a smile first has to take a hit.
Video Games
Playing video games while high can be a lot of fun, especially if you choose games that are a little more laid back and easy-going. Some good options might include puzzle games, racing games, or games with a lot of exploration and discovery. Just be sure to take breaks and stay hydrated, as video games can be a bit more intense when you’re stoned.
Rubber Band
This simple weed game involves passing a rubber band around in a circle. Each player has to stretch the rubber band as far as they can without breaking it and then pass it on to the next player. The game continues until the rubber band finally snaps, at which point the person who was holding it has to take a hit.
Cheech and Chong
This is a fun weed game perfect for fans of the classic stoner comedy duo. Players take turns choosing a Cheech and Chong movie or sketch to watch, and then everyone has to take a hit every time a certain word or phrase is said. You can choose any word or phrase you want, but some popular choices include “weed,” “smoke,” and “dope.”
Never Have I Ever
This is a classic party game that’s perfect for a weed session. Players take turns saying something they’ve never done, and then anyone who has done that thing has to take a hit. For example, someone might say, “Never have I ever smoked weed in a public park,” and anyone who has done that would have to take a hit.
20 Questions
This simple but fun game is perfect for a weed session. One player thinks of a person, place, or thing, and then the other players have to ask yes-or-no questions in an attempt to guess what it is. The player who guesses correctly gets to choose the next person who takes a hit and thinks of a new person, place, or thing.
Would You Rather
This is a classic party game that’s perfect for a weed session. Players take turns posing a “would you rather” scenario, and then everyone has to choose which option they would prefer. For example, someone might say, “Would you rather smoke weed with Bob Marley or Willie Nelson?” and then everyone has to choose.
High Low
This is a simple card game that’s perfect for a weed session. Players take turns drawing a card from a deck and then deciding whether the next card will be higher or lower. If they guess correctly, they get to keep the card. If they guess incorrectly, they have to take a hit. The game continues until all the cards have been drawn.
This simple but fun game is perfect for a weed session. Players take turns counting up from one but with a twist. If the number is divisible by three, you have to say “buzz” instead of the actual number. For example, you would say, “One, two, buzz, four, five, buzz, seven, eight, buzz, ten, etc.” The game continues until someone messes up, at which point they have to take a hit.
Overall, there are plenty of fun weed games to choose from, regardless of your interests or preferences. Whether you’re looking for a classic card game or a more interactive smoke session, there’s something for everyone. So grab your favorite strain and get ready to have some fun with your friends!