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First Medical Marijuana Dispensary to Open in Central Ohio
Columbus, Ohio will see its first medical marijuana dispensary opening in a matter of days. Terrasana is the name of the new medical cannabis retailer is on Columbus’ West Side and is the first of four dispensaries that Terrasana plans to open in the state. This new dispensary received the approval to operate from state regulators and will start accepting patients on March 26th at 10 a.m.
Terrasana Opening Soon
Craig Maurer, Terrasana’s co-founder, president and chief operating officer pointed out that, “We’ve taken a lot of pride in trying to be the first to open, and really just making sure that patients will have somewhere to come to get safe, clean, cost-effective product.” They are already looking to open three more medical marijuana dispensaries in Cleveland, Fremont and Springfield in the coming months.
Upon opening, Terrasana’s inventory will primarily consist of dried cannabis flower until the state licenses more medical marijuana processors and manufacturers. Patients will be able to purchase a one-day supply, approximately 2.8 grams, for around $40. Terrasana’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Todd Yaross notes that, “On average, what we’ve seen at other dispensaries, a one-day supply is between $55 and $60. We believe we’ll have the lowest prices in the state.”
Medical Marijuana Compliance
Due the Ohio’s strict regulations, medical marijuana dispensaries must be diligent when verifying each patient that walks into their storefront. Upon entering they must present valid state ID and their state issued medical marijuana card before they can enter the sales floor. Verifying patients is an important part of maintaining compliance so Terrasana can continue to provide access to those in need. The Ohio Board of Pharmacy and the Ohio Department of Commerce preside over regulating medical marijuana dispensaries.
In addition to Terrasana selling medical marijuana flower at first, vape pens and grinders will also be sold. Under the current law it is illegal to smoke medical marijuana, but you are allowed to vape it. The company executives are working to stock a more diverse array of products like edibles, tinctures, and capsules sooner rather than later. As more manufacturers start to receive their licenses from the state, the more options medical marijuana patients will have.
Since Ohio dispensaries started selling medical marijuana in mid-January statewide sales totaled around 300 pounds and generate over $2 million through March 17. With more retailers getting approval to operate the revenue stream will likely spike in the coming months. Terrasana opens at 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.