Simplified Back Management

Grow and evolve using centralized data insights and visibility. Keep all back-of-house operations under your control.

Metrc Integration

Stay compliant with our API integration to Metrc. All of your data is well-stored and follows state regulatory agencies through Metrc integration.

Agile Configuration

Customize the platform to fit your businessesā€™ needs. Manage your taxes, profit margins, customer groups, loyalty settings, and much more.

Standardized Specials

Your specials can be created and managed across all your locations. You can set or adjust them according to your needs or business goals.

Integrated Product Catalog

Integrated Product Catalog

To ensure that all your product information is centralized, you can directly manage an integrated product catalog of everything you sell in your dispensaries.

Controlled Access

Controlled Access

Set rules and staff restrictions. Assign, limit, or revoke staff access to the platform features at any time.

Accurate Inventory Management

Use our advanced inventory tracking to count every unit, every gram, and every cent. Inventory is updated in real-time with accurate reports.

Differential Pricing Per Office

Set different prices for the same product across various locations, enabling you to optimize pricing strategies and remain competitive in different areas.

Out-The-Door Pricing

Include all fees and taxes in the final price and provide transparency and predictability to your customers.

Concise Reports

Be ready for any audits or inventory discrepancies. All data is recorded, so you can always provide a report on your current status.

Resources for Back Management

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