3 min read
How to Streamline Your Marijuana Dispensary Check-In
The first point of contact at any cannabis retailer is reception. Making a good impression is an integral part of customer retention so setting up your marijuana dispensary check-in to run efficiently is paramount. Finding a friendly and organized receptionist is the first step in creating a welcoming and streamlined storefront.
Today we’ll mention a few ways in which cannabis retailers can improve their marijuana dispensary check-in process and some useful tools that will empower receptionists.
Tablet Sign-In
One of the easiest ways to streamline customers entering your dispensary is to use tablets for signing in. Customers can quickly enter their contact information and referral source using applications like E-Sign MD. Not only is it faster, by having the customers enter their own information there is less chance of errors.
After entering their information, it can automatically sync with IndicaOnline’s cannabis point of sale software and fill out the relevant fields for the customer’s profile. Once the patient has submitted their information they will automatically be added to the customer queue. This will keep the flow of patients fluid and allow them to see when it’s their turn to be served.
Digital Collective Agreements
Another aspect of checking-in that is extremely time consuming for customers is filling out and signing collective agreement. Often times they are handed a clipboard with 3 or 4 pages of paperwork to complete. Many customer avoid going to a new dispensary just so they don’t have to fill out a bunch of paperwork before purchasing their cannabis.
Adding an extra step for your digital collective agreements is easy using E-Sign MD and patients will appreciate the ability to digitally sign and initial. This will expedite the process with all agreements filed digitally and cut down on the amount of paper used in your dispensary.
Customer Age Validation
Now that recreational marijuana is legal, validating the age of every customer is an essential element of compliance. Receptionist can now quickly scan the back of the customer’s state ID and validate their age while also automatically filling in their name and address.
Selling to minors is a major compliance violation that could very well jeopardize the status of a dispensary’s business license. Implementing this technology will serve as a safeguard to recognizing underage customers and make your front of house even more efficient.
Recommendation Verification
Serving medical patients is still a vital part of business for cannabis retailers. Any medical patient that checks-in must present a doctor’s recommendation or a state medical card. Before making any purchases all recommendations and state cards must be verified.
IndicaOnline includes the top verification services to ensure that recommendations come from certified physicians. Receptionists simply need to enter the recommendation or medical card ID number to verify the document. Images of recommendations can also be uploaded to keep on file in the patient’s profile. This will also require your front desk staff to select the specific patient type when creating the profile so the appropriate taxes can be applied at the point of sale.
To learn more about how E-Sign MD and IndicaOnline can improve the efficiency of your marijuana dispensary check-in, schedule a demo with one of our qualified technicians.