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Voter Election Guide for Cannabis Professionals and Consumers
The midterm elections are almost here and there are several states that have the opportunity to vote on legalizing medical or recreational marijuana. We’ve created a voter election guide for cannabis professionals and consumers to raise awareness about these marijuana measures in different states.
The residents of Michigan will be voting on Proposal 1 on election day. Proposal 1, if passed, will legalize the possession, cultivation, and sale of recreational marijuana for persons 21+ years old. Residents will be allowed to grow up to 12 plants for personal use and possess up to 10 ounces of cannabis. Medical marijuana in Michigan has been legal dating back to 2008 but now they will have the opportunity to make cannabis a thriving industy for their state.
Michigan marijuana dispensaries will be allowed to sell cannabis flowers and edibles, however all sales will be subject to a 10% tax that will fund enforcement, clinical trials, municipal infrastructure, and education. Proposal 1 will also establish a regulatory system that will set licensing guidelines for growers, testing labs, and retailers. This marijuana measure is expected to pass making Michigan the second largest adult-use cannabis market in the United States.
Another state that will also be voting to approve adult-use cannabis is North Dakota. Measure 3 will be on the ballot this election which would remove cannabis as schedule I drug from state law. Not only will this measure legalize recreational marijuana but it will also automatically expunge previous marijuana convictions and create an appeals process for those whose records weren’t properly expunged.
If Measure 3 receives the majority of votes, it will make it legal to possess, cultivate, and sell all forms of cannabis. Paraphernalia would also be allowed, further reducing the amount of small drug-related crimes. The measure also mandates that the state establish pathway for those incarcerated to receive reduced sentences or even be released and expunged. Cannabis professionals and consumers are expected to turn out to support this intiative that will generate millons of dollars for the State and local government.
Even some more conservatives states like Missouri are considering legalizing medical marijuana. Missourians will vote on Amendment 2 this midterm election to decide whether or not to allow a compassionate care programs for patients with medical conditions that can be treated with cannabis. The campaign entitled, New Approach Missouri, is urging voters to get out and vote in favor of Amendment 2. If passed, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services would be tasked with establishing a system to regulate and distribute medical marijuana to qualifying patients.
Business licenses would be issued to no less than 24 medical marijuana dispensaries in each congressional district. The amendment would also impose a 4% tax on retail sales that would be used to fund licensing and regulate medical marijuana businesses as well as provide healthcare for veterans. The initiative is expected to generate $18 million for regulatory costs and veterans programs, and and additional $6 million for local governments. Cannabis professionals and consumers are urged to vote NO on Amendment 3 as it would tax retail sales at an astronomical rate and be left in the hands of personal injury lawyer Brad Bradshaw.
Yes, even Utah is coming to the table to pass medical marijuana into law. Proposition 2 would grant authority to state licensed physician to recommend medical cannabis to patients with qualifying conditions. If passed, the state would be responsible for licensing cultivation operations, testing facilities, and medical marijuana retailers. They would also be required to draft regulations pertaining to the packaging, labelling, and advertising of cannabis products.
Initially, Prop 2 had some push back from the Mormon Church but in early October advocates and opponents sat down to discuss the conditions of the proposition. They were able to reach an agreement on the terms of a bill that will be enacted during a November special session, no matter the outcome of Proposition 2. However the terms do differ: it will ban home grows, limits the number of dispensaries, and increases regulations including dosage requirements. Prop 2 will still need to garner majority support, however the conditions are to be determined.